Welcome to Sandbagged.net. We hope to be a community of news consumers, subjects, that hope to help each other understand and deal successfully with the media outlets that serve us in the United States.
As much as the people behind the newsprint, tv cameras and electrons demand transparency in the institutions and people they cover, we ought to demand the same transparency in them. This site offers updated ways on how to deal with members of the media.
We hope some of the advice here can prepare you if you get a phone call or email from a reporter or producer calling for information for a possible story. But likely, you may have found this site because you’ve already been ‘quoted’ and are surprised by how it turned out. Because many situations are unique, you may feel you were mostly quoted right all the way to totally been taken out of context. Or maybe ignored entirely.
Look around the site, you’ll get my take on what motivates members of the newsmedia and tips on how to protect yourself and your business. And as others reflect on their experiences here, you can learn what was left out and share the other side of the story that was left out.